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Everyone Has to Stop Spreading False Information About Me Im an Aspiring It Engineer Who Wants to Make Everyones Daily Life Happier but You Guys Keep Stalking Me and Stalking Me Trolling Me and Blaming Me on Every Website I Use So That I Have to Change My Nickname Before My Reputation Goes Down Which Means Saying Goodbye to My Fame and Honor I Keep Getting Dislikes and Hate That I Dont Deserve on My Own Threads and Websites, What Makes You Think Its Right to Team Up and Keep Spreading Hate on Me? Everyone Who Left a Downvote on My Thread Should Apologize to Me I've Gotten Bullied and Blamed on Twitter, Discord, Youtube, Steam and Various Other Social Media and Everywhere and Everywhere Where Can I Get My More-than-well-deserved Love and Upvotes? What a Nice Way of Making Innocent People Quit the Internet Forever So That the Awesome People Like Me Cant Provide a Positive Value on the World Anymore as Compensation for the Pain You Have Given to Me Lets Not Forget This Tragedy and Start Working Hard and Create a Better World for People All Over the Internet! But if I Ever Decide to Retire From the Internet Because of You Cyberbullying Me You Should Know That Its Your Fault, I Dont Think Anyone Can Ever Disagree With Me Because Im One Hundred Percent Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Who Has Bullied Me in Their Life Deserves to Be Murdered as Brutally Painfully as Possible if You Keep Doing This Shit to Me. Thats How Much Pain in Total Ive Gotten in Total.and Also Have Their Parents and Boyfriends/girlfriends Banned From the Entire Internet for the Entirety of Their Life Too and Have Their Info (Real Name, Usernames(Nicknames), Their Friends, Their Social Media Info, and What Theyve Done to Me) Revealed on the Internet Permanently to Let People Know About the Tragedy Google Should Stop Putting My Username Yukkuri_reimu & Kemono_pantsu Without the Context I Just Look Like a Terrible Troll Because of Google and Its Not My Fault Its All Their Fault Gafam is a Group of Very Greedy Companies Theyre Much More Stupid Than They Seem They Dont Care Even if I Commit Suicide as Long as They Can Generate Profit. Dont Blame Im Not Wrong Im Literally 1000000000% Right I Know You All Are Just Jealous of How Popular I Was Because You Started Bullying and Stalking Me You Must Be Jealous or You Wouldnt Have Started Doing Shit Like This You Stupid Braindead Mentally Ill Foolish Idiots. I Got Permentally Banned From Twitter, Discord, Youtube, Steam, ガールズちゃんねる, Qiita, Zenn a Total of Nearly 100 Fricking Times (More Than 100 Times if You Count IP Bans From Small Websites Like Random 2chまとめ系 Sites) How is It My Fault????? I Doubt if You Even Have the Tiniest Bit of the Ability to Think Logically and I Dont Even Think Im That "Angry" at You Guys Anymore Because I Know Youre Just Jealous of My Accoplishments I Get It. So This is What You Have to Do Now: Just Admit What Youve Been Doing to Me is Wrong and Apologize to Me You Dont Even Have to Write a Wall of Text Explaining What Made You Became a Heartless Demon, Just Say Sorry and Promise Youll Stop Being an Annoying Person. I Quit Teratail Again I Dont Think Ill Ever Come Back Because There Are So Many Alternativs to Teratail but Ill Still Keep Using 5ch, Stackoverflow, Etc. To Become an It Engineer Lol What a Bunch of Losers I Hate You All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stfu & Gtfo Monkeys Apes


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  • 回答者:Nouble (質問から24時間後)
  • 2




